CD ROM Paradise Collection 4
CD ROM Paradise Collection 4 1995 Nov.iso
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3,124 lines
; Filename : Math.inc
; Included from: 3D1.ASM, 3D2.ASM, 3D3.ASM
; Description : General math functions.
; Written by: John McCarthy
; 1316 Redwood Lane
; Pickering, Ontario.
; Canada, Earth, Milky Way (for those out-of-towners)
; L1X 1C5
; Fidonet: Brian McCarthy 1:229/15
; RIME/Relaynet: ->CRS
; Home phone, (905) 831-1944, don't call at 2 am eh!
; Send me your protected mode source code!
; Send me your Objects!
; But most of all, Send me a postcard!!!!
public rotate ; rotate using vmatrix
public make3d ; calculate 3d ?actual*?/z ( both x and y)
public make3dx ; xactual*x/z
public make3dy ; yactual*y/z
public erotate ; 32 bit rotate using ematrix
public zsolve ; solve single equation variable
public ysolve
public xsolve
public cosign
public sign
public arctan
public compound ; generate rotation matrix (includes camera)
public setsincose ; set camera matrix
public temp_matrix ; set user defined/temporary matrix
public temp_rotate ; rotate point by temp matrix
public matrix_multiply ; multiply tmatrix by vmatrix
public set_precal7
public set_precal147
public frotate
public fzsolve
public fxsolve
public fysolve
public precal1
public precal4
public precal7
public sqrt ; eax=sqr(eax), thanks to TRAN!
public _squareroot32 ; eax=sqr(eax)
public sqrax2bx2 ; ax = sqr(ax^2+bx^2)
public pre_cal_lambert ; scan object si and calculate surface normals
public calc_normal ; guess...from 3 points, returns vector ebx,ecx,ebp
public calc_d ; calculate D from plane equation
public lambert ; calculate surface normal rotation matrix for object si
public set_up_all_lambert; scans objects from si to di and calls pre_cal_lambert
public lrotate ; given normal for surface, figures out intensity
public lx1 ; points to load up before calling calc_normal
public ly1
public lz1
public lx2
public ly2
public lz2
public lx3
public ly3
public lz3
align 16
; Rotate - 32 bit rotate point using vmatrix
; In:
; EBX - x point
; ECX - y point
; EBP - z point
; vmatrix - 32 bit rotation matrix - set up by "compound" routine
; Out:
; EBX - x point
; ECX - y point
; EBP - z point
; Notes:
; All rotations (erotate,rotate,temp_rotate) are 32 bit.
; Frotate uses rotation along a plane and uses ematrix with precal147
; point rotation
; ebx = x ecx = y ebp = z 32 bit rotation!
; clobbers edx,esi,eax
; remember , matrix offsets are:
; 0 1 2 multiply those by 4 for the word address of the matrix
; 3 4 5
; 6 7 8
mov eax,vmatrix+8 ; solve x = bx(0)+cx(1)+bp(2)
imul ebp
shrd eax,edx,14
mov edi,eax
mov eax,vmatrix+4
imul ecx
shrd eax,edx,14
add edi,eax
mov eax,vmatrix+0
imul ebx
shrd eax,edx,14
add edi,eax ; di = new x
mov eax,vmatrix+20 ; solve y = bx(3)+cx(4)+bp(5)
imul ebp
shrd eax,edx,14
mov esi,eax
mov eax,vmatrix+16
imul ecx
shrd eax,edx,14
add esi,eax
mov eax,vmatrix+12
imul ebx
shrd eax,edx,14
add esi,eax ; si = new y
mov eax,vmatrix+32 ; solve z = bx(6)+cx(7)+bp(8)
imul ebp
shrd eax,edx,14
mov ebp,eax
mov eax,vmatrix+28
imul ecx
shrd eax,edx,14
add ebp,eax
mov eax,vmatrix+24
imul ebx
shrd eax,edx,14
add ebp,eax ; bp = new z
mov ecx,esi
mov ebx,edi
; Make3d - scale 3d point into 2d point
; In:
; EBX - x point
; ECX - y point
; EBP - z point
; Out:
; EBX - x point
; ECX - y point
; EBP - z point
; Notes:
; fast ratios found in macros.inc since
; multiplication has been substituted with fast lea
; trashes eax,edx,edi
make3d: ; bp must always be positive
cmul eax,ebx,ratiox ; use fast constant multiply
idiv ebp
mov ebx,eax
; Make3dy - scale 3d point into 2d point on x axis only
; In:
; ECX - y point
; EBP - z point
; Out:
; ECX - y point
; EBP - z point
cmul eax,ecx,ratioy
idiv ebp
mov ecx,eax
; Make3dx - scale 3d point into 2d point on y axis only
; In:
; EDI - x point
; ESI - z point
; Out:
; EDI - x point
; ESI - z point
make3dx: ; bp must always be positive
cmul eax,edi,ratiox
idiv esi
mov edi,eax
; Checkfront: checks if a side is visible. (counter-clockwise)
; In:
; (EDI,EBP) - xy of point 1
; (ESI,ECX) - xy of point 2
; (EDX,EBX) - xy of point 3
; Out:
; ECX < 0 if side counter-clockwise
; Notes: routine courtesy of "RAZOR"
; eg:
; call checkfront
; cmp ecx,0
; jng dontdraw
align 16
cmp edi,esi
jng s cfc2
mov eax,edi
mov edi,esi
mov esi,edx
mov edx,eax
mov eax,ebp
mov ebp,ecx
mov ecx,ebx
mov ebx,eax
cmp edi,esi
jng s cfc2
mov eax,edi
mov edi,esi
mov esi,edx
mov edx,eax
mov eax,ebp
mov ebp,ecx
mov ecx,ebx
mov ebx,eax
mov eax,edx ; ax = x3
sub eax,edi ; ax = x3 - x1
sub ecx,ebp ; cx = y2 - y1
imul ecx ; ax = (x3-x1)*(y2-y1)
mov ecx,eax ; save it...
mov eax,esi ; ax = x2
sub eax,edi ; ax = x2 - x1
sub ebx,ebp ; bx = y3 - y1
imul ebx ; ax = (x2-x1)*(y3-y1)
sub ecx,eax ; cx = (x3-x1)*(y2-y1)-(x2-x1)*(y3-y1)
; ERotate - 32 bit rotate point using ematrix
; In:
; EBX - x point
; ECX - y point
; EBP - z point
; ematrix - 32 bit rotation matrix - set up by "setsincose" routine
; Out:
; EBX - x point
; ECX - y point
; EBP - z point
; Notes:
; point rotation for eye - solves all x,y,z parameters
; camera rotation is 32 bit and uses ematrix
; remember , matrix offsets are:
; 0 1 2 multiply those by 4 for the doubleword address of the matrix
; 3 4 5
; 6 7 8
align 16
mov eax,ematrix+8
imul ebp
shrd eax,edx,14
mov edi,eax
if usez eq yes
mov eax,ematrix+4
imul ecx
shrd eax,edx,14
add edi,eax
mov eax,ematrix+0
imul ebx
shrd eax,edx,14
add edi,eax ; di = new x
mov eax,ematrix+20
imul ebp
shrd eax,edx,14
mov esi,eax
mov eax,ematrix+16
imul ecx
shrd eax,edx,14
add esi,eax
mov eax,ematrix+12
imul ebx
shrd eax,edx,14
add esi,eax ; si = new y
mov eax,ematrix+32
imul ebp
shrd eax,edx,14
mov ebp,eax
mov eax,ematrix+28
imul ecx
shrd eax,edx,14
add ebp,eax
mov eax,ematrix+24
imul ebx
shrd eax,edx,14
add ebp,eax ; bp = new z
mov ecx,esi
mov ebx,edi
; Zsolve - 32 bit rotate point using ematrix - solve one variable only
; In:
; EBX - x point
; ECX - y point
; EBP - z point
; ematrix - 32 bit rotation matrix - set up by "setsincose" routine
; Out:
; EBX - x point (same as entry)
; ECX - y point (same as entry)
; EBP - z point (same as entry)
; ESI - new z point/location
; Notes:
; solve z from ematrix - same as above erotate but only solves z for fast
; test of where object is - result is in esi
align 16
mov eax,ematrix+32
imul ebp
shrd eax,edx,14
mov esi,eax
mov eax,ematrix+28
imul ecx
shrd eax,edx,14
add esi,eax
mov eax,ematrix+24
imul ebx
shrd eax,edx,14
add esi,eax ; si = new z
; Xsolve - 32 bit rotate point using ematrix - solve one variable only
; In:
; EBX - x point
; ECX - y point
; EBP - z point
; ematrix - 32 bit rotation matrix - set up by "setsincose" routine
; Out:
; EBX - x point (same as entry)
; ECX - y point (same as entry)
; EBP - z point (same as entry)
; EDI - new x point/location
; Notes:
; if object z test from above routine is positive, this routine will solve
; the rest of the rotation matrix. this is so we don't waste time solving
; for x and y locations if the object is behind the camera anyway.
; saves imuls
align 16
mov eax,ematrix+8
imul ebp
shrd eax,edx,14
mov edi,eax
if usez eq yes
mov eax,ematrix+4
imul ecx
shrd eax,edx,14
add edi,eax
mov eax,ematrix+0
imul ebx
shrd eax,edx,14
add edi,eax ; di = new x
; Ysolve - 32 bit rotate point using ematrix - solve one variable only
; In:
; EBX - x point
; ECX - y point
; EBP - z point
; ESI - new z point
; EDI - new x point
; ematrix - 32 bit rotation matrix - set up by "setsincose" routine
; Out:
; EBX - x new point from EDI
; ECX - y new point
; EBP - z new point from ESI
; Notes:
; solve y from ematrix - same as above xsolve but solves y for fast
; test of where object is. final variables are then cleaned up to
; immitate the erotate function in parts.
align 16
mov eax,ematrix+16
imul ecx
shrd eax,edx,14
mov ecx,eax
mov eax,ematrix+12
imul ebx
shrd eax,edx,14
add ecx,eax
mov eax,ematrix+20
imul ebp
shrd eax,edx,14
add ecx,eax ; cx = new y
mov ebx,edi ; final test, move into appropriate regs
mov ebp,esi
; Sign - 16 bit theta to 32bit sin(@)
; In:
; AX - theta 0 - 65536 (0-360)
; Out:
; EAX - sin (@) (-4000h to 4000h)
; CoSign - 16 bit theta to 32bit cos(@)
; In:
; AX - theta 0 - 65536 (0-360)
; Out:
; EAX - cos (@) (-4000h to 4000h)
; Notes:
; calculate sin into eax, from ax, smashes bx
; after imul by sin, shr eax,14 to compensate for decimal factor!
; eg:
; mov eax,sin(@)
; mov ebx,32bitnumber
; imul ebx
; shrd eax,edx,14
; eax = ebx*sin(@)
; mov ax,sin(@)
; mov bx,16bitnumber
; imul bx
; shrd ax,dx,14
; eax = bx*sin(@)
; eax is simply a sign extended ax
align 16
add ax,4000h
shr ax,2
cmp ax,2000h
jge s q3o4 ; quadrant 3 or 4
cmp ax,1000h
jl s q0 ; quad 1
mov ebx,1fffh
sub bx,ax
jmp s halfsign ; quad 2
movzx ebx,ax
jmp s halfsign
cmp ax,3000h
jl s q3
mov ebx,3fffh
sub bx,ax
call halfsign ; quad 4
neg eax
and ax,0fffh
movzx ebx,ax ; quad 3
call halfsign
neg eax
xor eax,eax
mov ax,w sinus[ebx*2]
; Arctan - 32 bit rise/run to 16bit arctan(rise/run)
; In:
; EAX - Run
; ECX - Rise
; Out:
; AX - arctan(ECX/EAX)
; Notes:
; smashes cx,ax,dx,si
; arctan(ecx/0) is valid and tested for
align 16
cmp eax,0
jl s qd2or3
cmp ecx,0
jge s halftax ; quadrant 1
neg ecx ; quadrant 4, ax=-ax
call halftan
neg ax
shl eax,2
neg eax
cmp ecx,0
jge s qd2
neg ecx ; quad 3, ax=ax+8192
call halftan
add ax,8192
shl eax,2
call halftan
neg ax
add ax,8192
shl eax,2
call halftan
shl eax,2
align 16
xor edx,edx
; cx=rise positive
; ax=run positive
cmp eax,ecx
jl s opptan ; greater than 45 degrees, other side...
xchg ecx,eax ; ax<cx
shld edx,eax,11 ; *2048 edx = high dword for divide
shl eax,11 ; *2048
div ecx
movzx esi,ax
mov ax,w negtan[esi*2] ; resulting angle (0-512 is 0-45) in ax
align 16
shld edx,eax,11 ; *2048 edx = high dword for divide
shl eax,11 ; *2048
div ecx
movzx esi,ax ; ax remainder
mov cx,w negtan[esi*2]
mov eax,1000h
sub ax,cx ; resulting angle (2048-4096 is 45-90) in ax
align 16
; Compound - generate object matrix, 12 imul's first
; In:
; ESI - Object # to get angles from
; vxs[esi*2] - object x angle (0-65536)
; vys[esi*2] - object y angle (0-65536)
; vzs[esi*2] - object z angle (0-65536)
; Out:
; vmatrix - resulting rotation matrix including camera matrix
; Notes:
; x y z
;x= cz * cy - sx * sy * sz - sz * cy - sx * sy * cz - cx * sy
;y= sz * cx cx * cz - sx
;z= cz * sy + sx * sz * cy - sy * sz + sx * cy * cz cx * cy
;then perform matrix multiply by negative x and z matricies
; -x matrix -z matrix
; x y z x y z
;x 1 0 0 cz sz 0
;y 0 cx sx -sz cz 0
;z 0 -sx cx 0 0 1
; notice original object matrix takes 12 imuls, camera modify takes 24, can
; you do this faster? (less imuls)
push esi
mov ax,vxs[esi*2]
neg ax
push eax
call cosign
mov vcosx,eax
pop eax
call sign
mov vsinx,eax
mov ebp,eax ; bp = sx
neg eax
mov [vmatrix+20],eax
mov ax,vzs[esi*2]
neg ax
push eax
call cosign
mov vcosz,eax
mov edi,eax ; di = cz
pop eax
call sign
mov vsinz,eax
mov edx,eax ; dx = sz
mov ax,vys[esi*2]
neg ax
add ax,eyeay
push eax
call cosign
mov vcosy,eax
pop eax
call sign
mov vsiny,eax ; ax = sy
mov ebx,edx ; save sz
mov ecx,eax ; save sy
imul ebx ; bx = - sy * sz
shr eax,14
movsx ebx,ax
neg ebx
mov [vmatrix+28],ebx
mov eax,ecx ; si = cz * sy
imul edi
shr eax,14
movsx esi,ax
mov [vmatrix+24],esi
mov eax,vcosy
imul edi ; di = cy * cz
shr eax,14
movsx edi,ax
mov [vmatrix+0],edi
mov eax,vsinz
mov ecx,vcosy
imul ecx ; cx = - sz * cy
shr eax,14
movsx ecx,ax
neg ecx
mov [vmatrix+4],ecx
mov eax,ebp
imul esi
shr eax,14
movsx esi,ax
neg esi
add [vmatrix+4],esi
mov eax,ebp
imul edi
shr eax,14
movsx edi,ax
add [vmatrix+28],edi
mov eax,ebp
imul ebx
shr eax,14
movsx ebx,ax
add [vmatrix+0],ebx
mov eax,ebp
imul ecx
shr eax,14
movsx ecx,ax
neg ecx
add [vmatrix+24],ecx
mov esi,vcosx
mov eax,vcosy
imul esi ; cx * cy
shr eax,14
movsx eax,ax
mov [vmatrix+32],eax
mov eax,vsiny
imul esi ;-cx * sy
shr eax,14
movsx eax,ax
neg eax
mov [vmatrix+8],eax
mov eax,vsinz
imul esi ; cx * sz
shr eax,14
movsx eax,ax
mov [vmatrix+12],eax
mov eax,vcosz
imul esi ; cx * cz
shr eax,14
movsx eax,ax
mov [vmatrix+16],eax
mov edi,ecosx ; now perform camera x rotation,12 imuls
mov esi,esinx
mov ebp,esi
neg ebp
mov eax,[vmatrix+12]
imul edi
shr eax,14
movsx ecx,ax
mov eax,[vmatrix+24]
imul esi
shr eax,14
movsx eax,ax
add ecx,eax ; ecx = new vmatrix+12
mov eax,[vmatrix+12]
imul ebp
shr eax,14
movsx ebx,ax
mov eax,[vmatrix+24]
imul edi
shr eax,14
movsx eax,ax
add ebx,eax ; ebx = new vmatrix+24
mov [vmatrix+12],ecx
mov [vmatrix+24],ebx
mov eax,[vmatrix+16]
imul edi
shr eax,14
movsx ecx,ax
mov eax,[vmatrix+28]
imul esi
shr eax,14
movsx eax,ax
add ecx,eax ; ecx = new vmatrix+16
mov eax,[vmatrix+16]
imul ebp
shr eax,14
movsx ebx,ax
mov eax,[vmatrix+28]
imul edi
shr eax,14
movsx eax,ax
add ebx,eax ; ebx = new vmatrix+28
mov [vmatrix+16],ecx
mov [vmatrix+28],ebx
mov eax,[vmatrix+20]
imul edi
shr eax,14
movsx ecx,ax
mov eax,[vmatrix+32]
imul esi
shr eax,14
movsx eax,ax
add ecx,eax ; ecx = new vmatrix+20
mov eax,[vmatrix+20]
imul ebp
shr eax,14
movsx ebx,ax
mov eax,[vmatrix+32]
imul edi
shr eax,14
movsx eax,ax
add ebx,eax ; ebx = new vmatrix+32
mov [vmatrix+20],ecx
mov [vmatrix+32],ebx
if usez eq yes
mov edi,ecosz ; now perform camera z rotation,12 imuls
mov esi,esinz
mov ebp,esi
neg esi
mov eax,[vmatrix+0]
imul edi
shr eax,14
movsx ecx,ax
mov eax,[vmatrix+12]
imul esi
shr eax,14
movsx eax,ax
add ecx,eax
mov eax,[vmatrix+0]
imul ebp
shr eax,14
movsx ebx,ax
mov eax,[vmatrix+12]
imul edi
shr eax,14
movsx eax,ax
add ebx,eax
mov [vmatrix+0],ecx
mov [vmatrix+12],ebx
mov eax,[vmatrix+4]
imul edi
shr eax,14
movsx ecx,ax
mov eax,[vmatrix+16]
imul esi
shr eax,14
movsx eax,ax
add ecx,eax
mov eax,[vmatrix+4]
imul ebp
shr eax,14
movsx ebx,ax
mov eax,[vmatrix+16]
imul edi
shr eax,14
movsx eax,ax
add ebx,eax
mov [vmatrix+4],ecx
mov [vmatrix+16],ebx
mov eax,[vmatrix+8]
imul edi
shr eax,14
movsx ecx,ax
mov eax,[vmatrix+20]
imul esi
shr eax,14
movsx eax,ax
add ecx,eax
mov eax,[vmatrix+8]
imul ebp
shr eax,14
movsx ebx,ax
mov eax,[vmatrix+20]
imul edi
shr eax,14
movsx eax,ax
add ebx,eax
mov [vmatrix+8],ecx
mov [vmatrix+20],ebx
pop esi
; Setsincose - generate rotation matrix for y,x,z camera rotation
; In:
; eyeax - camera x angle (0-65536)
; eyeay - camera y angle (0-65536)
; eyeaz - camera z angle (0-65536)
; Out:
; vmatrix - resulting rotation matrix including camera matrix
; Notes:
; called only once every frame. completed in 12 multiplys
; matrix is also used for objects with no rotation (always angle 0,0,0)
; where is my postcard! see readme.doc for info.
; x y z
; x= cz * cy + sx * sy * sz -cx * sz - sy * cz + sx * cy * sz
; y= sz * cy - sx * sy * cz cx * cz - sy * sz - sz * cy * cz
; z= cx * sy sx cx * cy
; matrix offsets: (doublewords)
; x y z
; x 0 4 8
; y 12 16 20
; z 24 28 32
align 16
mov ax,eyeax
call cosign
mov ecosx,eax ; ecosx and such are used by object rotation
mov ax,eyeax ; ematrix is used to find where object is
call sign
mov esinx,eax
mov [ematrix+28],eax
mov ebp,eax ; bp = sx
if usez eq yes
mov ax,eyeaz
call cosign
mov ecosz,eax
mov edi,eax ; di = cz
mov ax,eyeaz
call sign
mov esinz,eax
mov edx,eax ; dx = sz
if usez eq no
mov edi,4000h ; di = cos 0
mov ecosz,4000h
xor edx,edx ; dx = sin 0
mov esinz,0
mov ax,eyeay
call cosign
mov ecosy,eax
mov ax,eyeay
call sign
mov esiny,eax ; ax = sy
mov ebx,edx ; save sz
mov ecx,eax ; save sy
imul bx ; bx = sy * sz
shrd ax,dx,14
movsx ebx,ax
neg ebx
mov [ematrix+20],ebx
neg ebx
mov eax,ecx ; si = - (cz * sy)
imul di
shrd ax,dx,14
movsx esi,ax
neg esi
mov [ematrix+8],esi
mov eax,ecosy
imul di ; di = cy * cz
shrd ax,dx,14
movsx edi,ax
mov [ematrix+0],edi
mov eax,esinz
mov ecx,ecosy
imul cx ; cx = sz * cy
shrd ax,dx,14
movsx ecx,ax
mov [ematrix+12],ecx
mov eax,ebp
imul si
shrd ax,dx,14
movsx esi,ax
add [ematrix+12],esi
mov eax,ebp
imul di
shrd ax,dx,14
movsx edi,ax
neg edi
add [ematrix+20],edi
mov eax,ebp
imul bx
shrd ax,dx,14
movsx ebx,ax
add [ematrix+0],ebx
mov eax,ebp
imul cx
shrd ax,dx,14
movsx ecx,ax
add [ematrix+8],ecx
mov esi,ecosx
mov eax,ecosy
imul si ; cx * cy
shrd ax,dx,14
movsx eax,ax
mov [ematrix+32],eax
mov eax,esiny
imul si ; cx * sy
shrd ax,dx,14
movsx eax,ax
mov [ematrix+24],eax
mov eax,esinz
imul si ;-cx * sz
shrd ax,dx,14
movsx eax,ax
neg eax
mov [ematrix+4],eax
mov eax,ecosz
imul si ; cx * cz
shrd ax,dx,14
movsx eax,ax
mov [ematrix+16],eax
neg esinx ; reverse angles for object rotation
neg esiny
; Temp_Matrix: generate temp matrix, 12 imul's, from object esi
; In:
; ESI - Object # to get angles from
; vxs[esi*2] - object x angle (0-65536)
; vys[esi*2] - object y angle (0-65536)
; vzs[esi*2] - object z angle (0-65536)
; Out:
; tmatrix - resulting rotation matrix (excluding camera matrix)
; Notes:
; x y z
;x= cz * cy - sx * sy * sz - sz * cy - sx * sy * cz - cx * sy
;y= sz * cx cx * cz - sx
;z= cz * sy + sx * sz * cy - sy * sz + sx * cy * cz cx * cy
push esi
mov ax,vxs[esi*2]
neg ax
push eax
call cosign
mov vcosx,eax
pop eax
call sign
mov vsinx,eax
mov ebp,eax ; bp = sx
neg eax
mov [tmatrix+20],eax
mov ax,vzs[esi*2]
neg ax
push eax
call cosign
mov vcosz,eax
mov edi,eax ; di = cz
pop eax
call sign
mov vsinz,eax
mov edx,eax ; dx = sz
mov ax,vys[esi*2]
neg ax
push eax
call cosign
mov vcosy,eax
pop eax
call sign
mov vsiny,eax ; ax = sy
mov ebx,edx ; save sz
mov ecx,eax ; save sy
imul ebx ; bx = - sy * sz
shr eax,14
movsx ebx,ax
neg ebx
mov [tmatrix+28],ebx
mov eax,ecx ; si = cz * sy
imul edi
shr eax,14
movsx esi,ax
mov [tmatrix+24],esi
mov eax,vcosy
imul edi ; di = cy * cz
shr eax,14
movsx edi,ax
mov [tmatrix+0],edi
mov eax,vsinz
mov ecx,vcosy
imul ecx ; cx = - sz * cy
shr eax,14
movsx ecx,ax
neg ecx
mov [tmatrix+4],ecx
mov eax,ebp
imul esi
shr eax,14
movsx esi,ax
neg esi
add [tmatrix+4],esi
mov eax,ebp
imul edi
shr eax,14
movsx edi,ax
add [tmatrix+28],edi
mov eax,ebp
imul ebx
shr eax,14
movsx ebx,ax
add [tmatrix+0],ebx
mov eax,ebp
imul ecx
shr eax,14
movsx ecx,ax
neg ecx
add [tmatrix+24],ecx
mov esi,vcosx
mov eax,vcosy
imul esi ; cx * cy
shr eax,14
movsx eax,ax
mov [tmatrix+32],eax
mov eax,vsiny
imul esi ;-cx * sy
shr eax,14
movsx eax,ax
neg eax
mov [tmatrix+8],eax
mov eax,vsinz
imul esi ; cx * sz
shr eax,14
movsx eax,ax
mov [tmatrix+12],eax
mov eax,vcosz
imul esi ; cx * cz
shr eax,14
movsx eax,ax
mov [tmatrix+16],eax
pop esi
; Temp_Rotate - 32 bit rotate point using tmatrix
; In:
; EBX - x point
; ECX - y point
; EBP - z point
; tmatrix - 32 bit rotation matrix - set up by "temp_matrix" routine
; Out:
; EBX - x point
; ECX - y point
; EBP - z point
; Notes:
; Same as rotate and erotate
mov eax,tmatrix+8 ; solve x = bx(0)+cx(1)+bp(2)
imul ebp
shrd eax,edx,14
mov edi,eax
mov eax,tmatrix+4
imul ecx
shrd eax,edx,14
add edi,eax
mov eax,tmatrix+0
imul ebx
shrd eax,edx,14
add edi,eax ; di = new x
mov eax,tmatrix+20 ; solve y = bx(3)+cx(4)+bp(5)
imul ebp
shrd eax,edx,14
mov esi,eax
mov eax,tmatrix+16
imul ecx
shrd eax,edx,14
add esi,eax
mov eax,tmatrix+12
imul ebx
shrd eax,edx,14
add esi,eax ; si = new y
mov eax,tmatrix+32 ; solve z = bx(6)+cx(7)+bp(8)
imul ebp
shrd eax,edx,14
mov ebp,eax
mov eax,tmatrix+28
imul ecx
shrd eax,edx,14
add ebp,eax
mov eax,tmatrix+24
imul ebx
shrd eax,edx,14
add ebp,eax ; bp = new z
mov ecx,esi
mov ebx,edi
; Matrix_Multiply: multiply tmatrix by vmatrix, [vmatrix]=[tmatrix][vmatrix]
; In:
; vmatrix - rotation matrix
; tmatrix - rotation matrix
; Out:
; vmatrix - resulting rotation matrix
; Notes:
; [ tmatrix+ 0 tmatrix+ 2 tmatrix+ 4 ] [ vmatrix+ 0 vmatrix+ 2 vmatrix+ 4 ]
; [ ] [ ]
; [ tmatrix+ 6 tmatrix+ 8 tmatrix+10 ] [ vmatrix+ 6 vmatrix+ 8 vmatrix+10 ]
; [ ] [ ]
; [ tmatrix+12 tmatrix+14 tmatrix+16 ] [ vmatrix+12 vmatrix+14 vmatrix+16 ]
; Think of it this way, this routine will generate a resulting matrix as if
; you rotated an object by tmatrix, then rotated the object by vmatrix.
; Instead, call this routine then you will only have to rotate the object by
; Vmatrix!.
; Notice Tmatrix is done before Vmatrix!! This is used for calculating the
; positions of arms on bodies, hands on arms, fingers on hands...etc...
mov ebx,[vmatrix+0]
mov ecx,[vmatrix+4]
mov ebp,[vmatrix+8]
mov eax,[tmatrix+0]
imul ebx
shrd eax,edx,14
mov esi,eax
mov eax,[tmatrix+12]
imul ecx
shrd eax,edx,14
add esi,eax
mov eax,[tmatrix+24]
imul ebp
shrd eax,edx,14
add esi,eax
push esi ; tmatrix+0
mov eax,[tmatrix+4]
imul ebx
shrd eax,edx,14
mov esi,eax
mov eax,[tmatrix+16]
imul ecx
shrd eax,edx,14
add esi,eax
mov eax,[tmatrix+28]
imul ebp
shrd eax,edx,14
add esi,eax
push esi ; tmatrix+4
mov eax,[tmatrix+8]
imul ebx
shrd eax,edx,14
mov esi,eax
mov eax,[tmatrix+20]
imul ecx
shrd eax,edx,14
add esi,eax
mov eax,[tmatrix+32]
imul ebp
shrd eax,edx,14
add esi,eax
push esi ; tmatrix+8
mov ebx,[vmatrix+12]
mov ecx,[vmatrix+16]
mov ebp,[vmatrix+20]
mov eax,[tmatrix+0]
imul ebx
shrd eax,edx,14
mov esi,eax
mov eax,[tmatrix+12]
imul ecx
shrd eax,edx,14
add esi,eax
mov eax,[tmatrix+24]
imul ebp
shrd eax,edx,14
add esi,eax
push esi ; tmatrix+12
mov eax,[tmatrix+4]
imul ebx
shrd eax,edx,14
mov esi,eax
mov eax,[tmatrix+16]
imul ecx
shrd eax,edx,14
add esi,eax
mov eax,[tmatrix+28]
imul ebp
shrd eax,edx,14
add esi,eax
push esi ; tmatrix+16
mov eax,[tmatrix+8]
imul ebx
shrd eax,edx,14
mov esi,eax
mov eax,[tmatrix+20]
imul ecx
shrd eax,edx,14
add esi,eax
mov eax,[tmatrix+32]
imul ebp
shrd eax,edx,14
add esi,eax
push esi ; tmatrix+20
mov ebx,[vmatrix+24]
mov ecx,[vmatrix+28]
mov ebp,[vmatrix+32]
mov eax,[tmatrix+0]
imul ebx
shrd eax,edx,14
mov esi,eax
mov eax,[tmatrix+12]
imul ecx
shrd eax,edx,14
add esi,eax
mov eax,[tmatrix+24]
imul ebp
shrd eax,edx,14
add esi,eax
push esi ; tmatrix+24
mov eax,[tmatrix+4]
imul ebx
shrd eax,edx,14
mov esi,eax
mov eax,[tmatrix+16]
imul ecx
shrd eax,edx,14
add esi,eax
mov eax,[tmatrix+28]
imul ebp
shrd eax,edx,14
add esi,eax
push esi ; tmatrix+28
mov eax,[tmatrix+8]
imul ebx
shrd eax,edx,14
mov esi,eax
mov eax,[tmatrix+20]
imul ecx
shrd eax,edx,14
add esi,eax
mov eax,[tmatrix+32]
imul ebp
shrd eax,edx,14
add esi,eax
; push esi ; tmatrix+32
; pop esi
mov [vmatrix+32],esi
pop esi
mov [vmatrix+28],esi
pop esi
mov [vmatrix+24],esi
pop esi
mov [vmatrix+20],esi
pop esi
mov [vmatrix+16],esi
pop esi
mov [vmatrix+12],esi
pop esi
mov [vmatrix+ 8],esi
pop esi
mov [vmatrix+ 4],esi
pop esi
mov [vmatrix+ 0],esi
; Getroot: ax = sqr(ax)
; In:
; AX - number to take square root of (0 - 65535)
; Out:
; AX - Square root
; Notes:
; I like TRANs method better - greater resolution and it doesn't require the
; table. Im not too sure whos method is faster.
; This routine is not used in the main animation loop. It could be used for
; things like determining collision detection since collision does not require
; much accuracy and collision does require many many checks.
; include squares.inc
;getroot: ; get square root of ax, where ax = 0-65535
; cmp ax,0fe01h ; since ax cannot be negative anyway!
; jae sqr255 ; routine requires squares tables.
; mov si,offset squares
; mov cx,ax
; inc cx
; cld
; lodsw
; cmp ax,cx
; jbe nextroot ; jb is exact but jbe is better approximation
; mov ax,si
; sub ax,offset squares+3
; sar ax,1
; ret
; mov ax,255
; ret
; _Squareroot32: ax = sqr(ax)
; In:
; EAX - number to take square root of (32bit)
; Out:
; EAX = EBX = Square root
; Notes:
; This came from Dave Stamp's VR386 - Hey, he's short, fat, and stupid looking
; but I liked his routine anyway...
; takes root of 32 bit number to 16 bit result
; about 220 clocks worst case:
; 3 us on 486/66 and 10 us on 386/25
sqrt32 macro
local skip
shld edx,eax,2 ; get 2 bits of input to error
shl eax,2
add ebx,ebx ; estimate*2
mov ecx,ebx ; temp = est*2
add ecx,ecx
cmp edx,ecx ; error>2*est?
jle s skip
inc ebx ; yes, update for new bit added
inc ecx
sub edx,ecx
public _squareroot32
test eax,0ffff0000h ; can we cut it in half?
jne s hasupper
shl eax,16 ; yes, so prescale
test eax,0ff000000h ; half again?
jne do16
shl eax,8 ; yes, prescale
jmp do8 ; do 8 loops
test eax,0ff000000h ; half again?
jne do32
shl eax,8
jmp do24
mov eax,ebx ; result in eax and ebx
; Sqrt: Routine courtesy TRAN
; In:
; EAX - number to take root of
; Out:
; EAX - root
sqrtbasetbl db 0,1,4,9,16,25,36,49,64,81,100,121,144,169,196,225
public sqrt
align 16
mov ebp,eax
bsr ebx,eax
jnz short sqrtf0
xor ebx,ebx
shr ebx,3
lea eax,[ebx*8]
mov cl,32
sub cl,al
rol ebp,cl
mov eax,ebp
movzx eax,al
mov edi,offset sqrtbasetbl
mov ecx,10h
je short sqrtl0d
jb short sqrtl0d2
loop sqrtl0
inc edi
dec edi
inc cl
movzx edx,byte ptr [edi-1]
dec cl
xor cl,0fh
mov edi,ecx
mov ecx,ebx
jecxz short sqrtdone
sub eax,edx
shld eax,ebp,8
rol ebp,8
mov ebx,edi
shl ebx,5
xor edx,edx
mov esi,eax
div ebx
rol edi,4
add edi,eax
add ebx,eax
imul eax,ebx
mov edx,eax
mov eax,esi
sub eax,edx
jc short sqrtf1
loop sqrtml
mov [esp+28],edi
dec ebx
dec edi
movzx eax,bl
and al,1fh
jmp sqrtf2
; Set_precal147: Set precal7 for plane transformation
; In:
; ECX - y location to pre-calculate plane to
; Out:
; precal1
; precal4
; precal7
; Notes:
; Plane is ecx and allows above formulas to determine where a
; point/object would be along that plane if z is not negative
; Good for runway translations or super huge background polygons - not used
; by regular 3d.asm routines
; How to use: lets say you've got a billion background objects that are
; on the ground (or all on the same y plane). you call set_precal147
; with that y plane location and use frotate instead of erotate to
; determine where points rotated along that plane will end up. this
; speeds the routine up by 33% by cutting out 3 imuls.
align 16
precal1 dd 0
precal4 dd 0
precal7 dd 0
if usez eq yes
mov eax,ecx
sub eax,eyey
imul ematrix+4
shrd eax,edx,14
mov precal1,eax
mov eax,ecx
sub eax,eyey
imul ematrix+16
shrd eax,edx,14
mov precal4,eax
sub ecx,eyey
mov eax,ecx
imul ematrix+28
shrd eax,edx,14
mov precal7,eax
align 16
; Frotate: fast object/point rotation along pre-calculated y plane
; In:
; EBX - x point
; ECX - y point
; EBP - z point
; ematrix - 32 bit rotation matrix - set up by "setsincose" routine
; precal1 - set up by set_precal147
; precal4 - set up by set_precal147
; precal7 - set up by set_precal147
; Out:
; EBX - x point
; ECX - y point
; EBP - z point
; Notes:
; see above
mov eax,ematrix+8
imul ebp
shrd eax,edx,14
mov edi,eax
if usez eq yes
add edi,precal1
mov eax,ematrix+0
imul ebx
shrd eax,edx,14
add edi,eax ; di = new x
mov eax,ematrix+20
imul ebp
shrd eax,edx,14
mov esi,eax
add esi,precal4
mov eax,ematrix+12
imul ebx
shrd eax,edx,14
add esi,eax ; si = new y
mov eax,ematrix+32
imul ebp
shrd eax,edx,14
mov ebp,eax
add ebp,precal7
mov eax,ematrix+24
imul ebx
shrd eax,edx,14
add ebp,eax ; bp = new z
mov ecx,esi
mov ebx,edi
; Fzrotate: fast single variable solve for object/point rotation along
; pre-calculated y plane
; In:
; EBX - x point
; ECX - y point
; EBP - z point
; ematrix - 32 bit rotation matrix - set up by "setsincose" routine
; precal1 - set up by set_precal147
; precal4 - set up by set_precal147
; precal7 - set up by set_precal147
; Out:
; ESI - z point
; Notes:
; Fast solve for single matrix variable similar to erotate but uses frotate
; plane matrix with precal147
; remember , matrix offsets are:
; 0 1 2 multiply those by 4 for the doublewords
; 3 4 5
; 6 7 8
align 16
mov eax,ematrix+32 ; solve z = bx(6)+cx(7)+bp(8)
imul ebp
shrd eax,edx,14
mov esi,eax
add esi,precal7
mov eax,ematrix+24
imul ebx
shrd eax,edx,14
add esi,eax ; si = new z
; Fxrotate: fast single variable solve for object/point rotation along
; pre-calculated y plane
; In:
; EBX - x point
; ECX - y point
; EBP - z point
; ematrix - 32 bit rotation matrix - set up by "setsincose" routine
; precal1 - set up by set_precal147
; precal4 - set up by set_precal147
; precal7 - set up by set_precal147
; Out:
; EDI - x point
align 16
mov eax,ematrix+8 ; solve x = bx(0)+cx(1)+bp(2)
imul ebp
shrd eax,edx,14
mov edi,eax
if usez eq yes
add edi,precal1
mov eax,ematrix+0
imul ebx
shrd eax,edx,14
add edi,eax ; di = new x
; Fyrotate: fast single variable solve for object/point rotation along
; pre-calculated y plane
; In:
; EBX - x point
; ECX - y point
; EBP - z point
; ematrix - 32 bit rotation matrix - set up by "setsincose" routine
; precal1 - set up by set_precal147
; precal4 - set up by set_precal147
; precal7 - set up by set_precal147
; ESI - z point
; EDI - x point
; Out:
; EBX - x point
; ECX - y point
; EBP - z point
align 16
mov eax,ematrix+20 ; solve y = bx(3)+cx(4)+bp(5)
imul ebp
shrd eax,edx,14
mov ecx,eax
add ecx,precal4
mov eax,ematrix+12
imul ebx
shrd eax,edx,14
add ecx,eax ; cx = new y
mov ebx,edi
mov ebp,esi
; Lambert: generate lambert shading 1x3 matrix, completed in 6 imuls
; In:
; ESI - Object # to get angles from
; vxs[esi*2] - object x angle (0-65536)
; vys[esi*2] - object y angle (0-65536)
; vzs[esi*2] - object z angle (0-65536)
; y_angle_of_sun - (0-65536)
; Out:
; lmatrix - shading matrix
; ESI - ?
; Notes:
;z= ( sz ( cx + ( sx * cy )) + cz * sy ) * 45degrees [x]
; ( cz ( cx + ( sx * cy )) - sz * sy ) * 45degrees [y]
; ( cx * cy - sx ) * 45 degrees [z]
;note cos45=sin45=2d41h, but we will use 2d00h (99.2% accurate)
; you can change the y angle of the sun/light but not the x angle.
; changing the x angle would require a new formula.
mov ax,vxs[esi*2]
neg ax
push eax
call cosign
mov vcosx,eax
pop eax
call sign
mov vsinx,eax
mov ebp,eax ; ebp = sx
mov ax,vzs[esi*2]
neg ax
push eax
call cosign
mov vcosz,eax
mov edi,eax ; edi = cz
pop eax
call sign
mov vsinz,eax
mov edx,eax ; edx = sz
mov ax,vys[esi*2]
neg ax
add eax,y_angle_of_sun ; 2000h = 45 degrees y angle for light source
push eax
call cosign
mov vcosy,eax
mov esi,eax ; esi = cy
pop eax
call sign
mov vsiny,eax ; eax = sy
mov ebx,edx ; ebx = sz
mov ecx,eax ; ecx = sy
mov eax,ebp ; get sx
imul esi ; eax = sx * cy
shrd eax,edx,14
sub eax,vcosx ; eax = cx + ( sx * cy)
push eax
imul ebx ; cx + ( sx * cy) * sz
shrd eax,edx,14
mov lmatrix+0,eax
pop eax
imul edi ; di = cz
shrd eax,edx,14
mov lmatrix+4,eax ; cx + ( sx * cy) * cz
mov eax,ebx
imul ecx ; - sz * sy
shrd eax,edx,14
sub lmatrix+4,eax
mov eax,edi
imul ecx ; cz * sy
shrd eax,edx,14
add lmatrix+0,eax
mov eax,vcosx ; (cx * cy - sx) * 45deg
imul esi
shrd eax,edx,14
mov ebx,eax
add ebx,ebp
cmul eax,ebx,2d00h ; * 45degrees
shrd eax,edx,14
movsx eax,ax
mov lmatrix+8,eax
mov ebx,lmatrix+4
cmul eax,ebx,2d00h
shrd eax,edx,14
mov lmatrix+4,eax
mov ebx,lmatrix+0
cmul eax,ebx,2d00h
shrd eax,edx,14
mov lmatrix+0,eax
; Pre_cal_lambert: Pre-calculate all neccessary stuff for object DI
; In:
; EDI - Object # to pre-calculate normals for
; objbase[esi*4] -> offset of object data
; Out:
; ESI -> minimum address of object data
; EDI -> maximum address of object data
; EBP -> points to header for object
; Notes:
; Precalculate surface normals for object di. This is so you don't
; have to type them in when designing new objects. Imagine, 400 points,
; with 350 surfaces, calculating them all manually? This routine also
; figures out the iteration skip offset (if you have surfaces dependant
; on other surfaces) and also sets bit 1 if it is a line (two points),
; and sets bit 4 if 1 point.This routine also sets the number of points
; to skip if an iteration is found. It counts the number of points
; within iterations (even iterations within iterations) and sets the
; skip value so any iterations skipped will have a pre-calculated point
; offset. Did that make sense?
; Things done here:
; set point command if only 1 connection
; set line command if only 2 connections
; set normal bit in commands if shading used in texture
; calculate and set shading normals
; calculate offsets for iteration jumps (in case surface not visible)
; calculate number of points to skip for iterations (in case surface not visible)
; set offset flag if iteration uses a point offset (4'th future use word)
; calculate and set auto-intensity of color if auto_s bit set
; Most of the above is done so the user (you) wont have to calculate this stuff
; yourself - makes object modification much easier.
; If you find the routine to be sloppy remember it is only used
; for object initialization.
; This routine will probably crash if your object is not set up correctly
; The entire 3dvect source will crash if this routine isn't run and the
; chances of you knowing how to do all that this routine does manually
; are pretty slim since most of you out there are doughheads.
; The minimum and maximum addresses are returned in ESI and EDI so you can
; output the resulting object to a binary file. EBP points to the starting
; header of the object (usually, but not neccessaraly, the minimum address)
lx1 dd 0
ly1 dd 0
lz1 dd 0
lx2 dd 0
ly2 dd 0
lz2 dd 0
lx3 dd 0
ly3 dd 0
lz3 dd 0
finx dd 0
finy dd 0
finz dd 0
temp1 dw 0
temp2 dw 0 ; number of points
temp3 dw 0 ; number of sides
temp4 dw 0
temp5 dd 0 ; minimum address
temp6 dd 0 ; maximum address
movzx edi,di ; in case user is lazy
mov esi,objbase[edi*4]
mov temp5,esi
mov temp6,esi
push esi ; save for exit
push esi ; save header offset
add esi,4
add esi,eax ; handle first resolution
mov temp2,ax
mov temp3,ax
mov xad,0
mov yad,0
mov zad,0
mov temp1,-1
mov ax,[esi+14]
mov temp4,ax
mov eax,[esi+8*2]
or eax,[esi+8*2+4]
jnz lam_hhgg
mov dword ptr [esi+8*2],maxz ; if no max/min found, force one
mov dword ptr [esi+8*2+4],minz
mov eax,[esi+12*2]
jnz lam_hhgc
mov dword ptr [esi+12*2],tolerance
add esi,25*2 ; skip future use bytes
mov edi,4 ; edi=2 to skip center of gravity
mov xp,0
mov yp,0
mov zp,0
cmp temp2,0
je no_points_2
mov bx,w [esi] ; load all the points into array
mov cx,w [esi+2]
mov bp,w [esi+4]
add bx,w xad
add cx,w yad
add bp,w zad
movsx ebx,bx
movsx ecx,cx
movsx ebp,bp
mov xp[edi],ebx
mov yp[edi],ecx
mov zp[edi],ebp
add esi,6
add edi,4
dec temp2
jne s lam_ap12 ; esi = address of sides now...
mov pointindex,edi
call checkesi ; check minimum and maximum addresses
mov edi,esi ; save in case of line adjust
mov ax,[esi] ; get command
mov bx,ax ; save command
test ax,special ; test if special command
jz s lam_notmap ; no, skip through loop
mov di,ax
and edi,special-1
cmp ax,gosub ; check for jump commands, yeah,yeah, I should have made a table, who cares...
jne ffgg1
add esi,2
push esi
movsx eax,ax
sub esi,2
add esi,eax
jmp lam_next
cmp ax,return
jne ffgg2
pop esi
jmp lam_next
cmp ax,goto_offset
jne ffgg3
add esi,2
movsx eax,ax
sub esi,2
add esi,eax
jmp lam_next
mov di,number_ofb[edi*2] ; yes, skip special command length
add esi,edi
mov bx,0
cmp ax,sub_object
je lam_do_it
cmp ax,static_sub_object
je lam_do_it
jmp lam_next ; go to next side
call pcl_testashade
mov ax,[esi+2] ; get texture for both sides
or ax,[esi+4]
test ax,shade ; test shading bit
jnz lam_calcit ; yes, calculate shading normal
push edi ; save command location
add esi,4+4+2 ; skip 2 colour & 2 texture words & command
mov edi,esi
lodsw ; get first point indexer
add ax,temp4
mov cx,ax
mov dx,0
lodsw ; count number of connection points
add ax,temp4
inc dx
cmp ax,cx
jne lam_ldlp
call checkesi ; check minimum and maximum addresses
pop edi ; pop command location
cmp dx,1 ; only 1 point?, set point command
jne lam_test_line
or w [edi+0],both
or w [edi+2],point
or w [edi+4],point
jmp lam_test_iteration
cmp dx,2 ; only 2 points?, set line command
jne lam_test_iteration
or w [edi+0],both
or w [edi+2],line
or w [edi+4],line
mov ax,0
test bx,iterate ; test if iteration command used
jnz lam_do_it ; yes,solve internal iteration
dec temp1
jnz lam_nopop
pop ax
mov temp4,ax
pop ax
mov temp1,ax
jmp lam_next
dec temp3
jnz lam_loadsides
pop esi
add esi,4
cmp eax,-1 ; last resolution?
jne more_reses
call checkesi ; check minimum and maximum addresses
pop ebp ; pop header offset
mov esi,temp5 ; load up start and end offsets of object
mov edi,temp6
push esi ; save command location
add esi,4+4+2 ; skip colour and 2 future use words
lodsw ; first point
add ax,temp4
mov [esi-2],ax
push ax
movzx edi,ax
shl edi,2
mov ebx,[xp+edi]
mov ecx,[yp+edi]
mov ebp,[zp+edi]
mov lx1,ebx
mov ly1,ecx
mov lz1,ebp
lodsw ; second point
add ax,temp4
mov [esi-2],ax
movzx edi,ax
shl edi,2
mov ebx,[xp+edi]
mov ecx,[yp+edi]
mov ebp,[zp+edi]
mov lx2,ebx
mov ly2,ecx
mov lz2,ebp
lodsw ; third point
add ax,temp4
mov [esi-2],ax
movzx edi,ax
shl edi,2
mov ebx,[xp+edi]
mov ecx,[yp+edi]
mov ebp,[zp+edi]
mov lx3,ebx
mov ly3,ecx
mov lz3,ebp
push esi
call calc_normal
pop esi
pop dx ; now find shading normal storage, pop first connector
add ax,temp4
mov [esi-2],ax
cmp ax,dx
jne lam_ldl2
mov edi,esi
mov ax,bx
mov ax,cx
mov ax,bp
add esi,6
pop edi ; get original command location back
or w [edi],normal
mov bx,[edi]
jmp lam_test_iteration
lam_surfc_cnt dw 0
; this finds the total number of points to skip if an iteration fails, dx = #
; remember, this is a pre-calculation routine so it doesn't need to be fast.
mov dx,0 ; clear total number of points to skip
mov ax,[esi+10] ; test if there is a center of rotation point
or ax,[esi+12]
or ax,[esi+14]
jz done_alter2
or w [esi+8],centroid ; set flag if offset found (center of gravity)
movsx ebx,w [esi+10]
movsx ecx,w [esi+12]
movsx ebp,w [esi+14]
add xad,ebx
add yad,ecx
add zad,ebp
mov ebx,xad
mov ecx,yad
mov ebp,zad
mov edi,pointindex
mov xp[edi],ebx
mov yp[edi],ecx
mov zp[edi],ebp
add pointindex,2
add dx,1 ; centroid is an extra point to skip
mov ax,temp1
push ax
mov ax,temp4
push ax
mov ax,[esi+18]
add temp4,ax
mov w [esi+18],0
mov lam_surfc_cnt,0
push esi ; this is our return address (continue from here+4)
lodsw ; get number of points.
add dx,ax ; save as TOTAL number of points to skip
mov temp2,ax
lodsw ; get number of surfaces
mov temp1,ax
inc temp1
add lam_surfc_cnt,ax ; count until this is zero
mov eax,[esi+8*2]
or eax,[esi+10*2]
jnz lam_hhgg2
mov dword ptr [esi+8*2],maxz ; if no max/min found, force one
mov dword ptr [esi+8*2+4],minz
mov eax,[esi+12*2]
jnz lam_hhgl
mov dword ptr [esi+12*2],tolerance
add esi,25*2
mov edi,pointindex
cmp temp2,0
je lam_test_check ; only sides added, no additional points
mov bx,w [esi] ; load all the points into array
mov cx,w [esi+2] ; for calculation of gourad shadings
mov bp,w [esi+4]
add bx,w xad
add cx,w yad
add bp,w zad
movsx ebx,bx
movsx ecx,cx
movsx ebp,bp
mov xp[edi],ebx
mov yp[edi],ecx
mov zp[edi],ebp
add esi,6
add edi,4
dec temp2
jne s lam_ap13 ; esi = address of sides now...
mov pointindex,edi
cmp lam_surfc_cnt,0 ; test if user just wants to add points
je lam_no_surfs ; i dont know why anyone would want to do this?
lodsw ; get command
mov bx,ax
test ax,special ; test if special command
jz s lam_notmap_it ; no, skip through loop
mov di,ax
and edi,special-1
cmp ax,gosub ; check for jump commands, yeah,yeah, I should have made a table, who cares...
jne ffgg1x
add esi,2
push esi
movsx eax,ax
sub esi,2
add esi,eax
jmp lam_next_it
cmp ax,return
jne ffgg2x
pop esi
jmp lam_next_it
cmp ax,goto_offset
jne ffgg3x
add esi,2
movsx eax,ax
sub esi,2
add esi,eax
jmp lam_next_it
movzx edi,number_ofb[edi*2] ; yes, skip special command length
add esi,edi
sub esi,2
cmp ax,sub_object
je lam_re_lam
cmp ax,static_sub_object
je lam_re_lam
jmp s lam_nog
mov bp,ax
or bp,ax ; find if shading bit used, add esi,6 if so
add esi,4 ; skip 2 colour words
lodsw ; get first point indexer
mov cx,ax
cmp ax,cx
jne lam_ldl3
test bp,shade ; test if gouraud normal present
jz lam_nog
add esi,6 ; skip it if present
test bx,iterate ; test if iteration command used
jnz lam_re_lam ; solve internal iteration again...
dec lam_surfc_cnt
jnz lam_test_until_target
mov edi,esi ; save current location
pop esi ; return original start location
sub edi,esi ; get difference between them
sub di,8 ; offset for loadsides routine - constant
lodsw ; get number of points
mov bx,ax
add temp3,ax
mov cx,dx
mov ax,6
imul bx
movzx ebx,ax
mov ax,di
mov edi,esi
stosw ; save offset
mov ax,cx
stosw ; save number of points found in iterations
mov eax,[esi+8*2]
or eax,[esi+10*2]
jnz lam_hhgg3
mov dword ptr [esi+8*2],maxz ; if no max/min found, force one
mov dword ptr [esi+8*2+4],minz
mov eax,[esi+12*2]
jnz lam_hhgq
mov dword ptr [esi+12*2],tolerance
add esi,25*2 ; adjust for next load
add esi,ebx
jmp lam_next
lodsw ; get number of points for recursed iteration
add dx,ax ; save as TOTAL number of points to skip
mov cx,ax
lodsw ; get number of surfaces
add lam_surfc_cnt,ax ; count until this is zero
mov eax,[esi+8*2]
or eax,[esi+10*2]
jnz lam_hhgg4
mov dword ptr [esi+8*2],maxz ; if no max/min found, force one
mov dword ptr [esi+8*2+4],minz
mov eax,[esi+12*2]
jnz lam_hhgv
mov dword ptr [esi+12*2],tolerance
add esi,25*2
mov eax,6
imul cx
add esi,eax
jmp lam_next_it
cmp esi,temp5
jae noesi1
mov temp5,esi
cmp esi,temp6
jbe noesi2
mov temp6,esi
mov ax,[esi+2]
or ax,[esi+4]
test ax,auto_s
jnz pcl_test2
push esi
push esi
mov vxs,0
mov vys,0
mov vzs,0
mov esi,0
call lambert
pop esi
movzx ebx,w [esi+10]
movzx ecx,w [esi+12]
movzx edx,w [esi+14]
mov eax,xp[ebx]
mov lx1,eax
mov eax,yp[ebx]
mov ly1,eax
mov eax,zp[ebx]
mov lz1,eax
mov eax,xp[ecx]
mov lx2,eax
mov eax,yp[ecx]
mov ly2,eax
mov eax,zp[ecx]
mov lz2,eax
mov eax,xp[edx]
mov lx3,eax
mov eax,yp[edx]
mov ly3,eax
mov eax,zp[edx]
mov lz3,eax
call calc_normal
call lrotate
pop esi
push edi
test w [esi+2],auto_s
jz pcl_test4
test w [esi+2],inverse
jz pcl_test3
neg edi
add edi,256
shr edi,1 ; result -256 to +256, turn into 0-256
mov al,b shading_tables[edi] ; now into 0-15
xor ah,ah
add w [esi+6],ax
mov ax,[esi+2]
and ax,65535-auto_s
mov [esi+2],ax
pop edi
test w [esi+4],auto_s
jz pcl_test6
test w [esi+4],inverse
jz pcl_test5
neg edi
add edi,256
shr edi,1 ; result -256 to +256, turn into 0-256
mov al,b shading_tables[edi] ; now into 0-15
xor ah,ah
add w [esi+8],ax
mov ax,[esi+4]
and ax,65535-auto_s
mov [esi+4],ax
; Calc_normal: calculate surface normal
; In:
; LX1 - x of point 1 on triangle
; LY1 - y of point 1 on triangle
; LZ1 - z of point 1 on triangle
; LX2 - x of point 2 on triangle
; LY2 - y of point 2 on triangle
; LZ2 - z of point 2 on triangle
; LX3 - x of point 3 on triangle
; LY3 - y of point 3 on triangle
; LZ3 - z of point 3 on triangle
; Out:
; EBX = finx = x of surface normal of triangle
; ECX = finy = y of surface normal of triangle
; EBP = finz = z of surface normal of triangle
; Notes:
; x2 = x2 - x1
; y2 = y2 - y1
; z2 = z2 - z1
; x3 = x3 - x1
; y3 = y3 - y1
; z3 = z3 - z1
; x = y2 * z3 - z2 * y3
; y = z2 * x3 - x2 * z3
; z = x2 * y3 - y2 * x3
; a = SQR(x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 + z ^ 2)
; x = INT(x / a * 256 + .5)
; y = INT(y / a * 256 + .5)
; z = INT(z / a * 256 + .5)
; This worked for me on the first try!
; If you wanted to get the equation of a plane, you could do this after:
; d = - x * x1 - y * y1 - z * z1
nshl = 8
mov ebx,lx1
mov ecx,ly1
mov ebp,lz1
sub lx2,ebx
sub ly2,ecx
sub lz2,ebp
sub lx3,ebx
sub ly3,ecx
sub lz3,ebp
mov eax,ly2
mov ebx,lz3
imul ebx
mov ecx,eax
mov eax,lz2
mov ebx,ly3
imul ebx
sub ecx,eax
mov finx,ecx ; save x of normal
mov eax,lz2
mov ebx,lx3
imul ebx
mov ecx,eax
mov eax,lx2
mov ebx,lz3
imul ebx
sub ecx,eax
mov finy,ecx ; save y of normal
mov eax,lx2
mov ebx,ly3
imul ebx
mov ecx,eax
mov eax,ly2
mov ebx,lx3
imul ebx
sub ecx,eax
mov finz,ecx ; save z of normal
cmp finx,32768 ; make sure (normal^2)*2 is < 2^32
jge calc_shrit
cmp finy,32768
jge calc_shrit
cmp finz,32768
jge calc_shrit
cmp finx,-32768
jle calc_shrit
cmp finy,-32768
jle calc_shrit
cmp finz,-32768
jg ok_2_bite_dust
shr finx,1 ; calculations will be too large if squared, div by 2
test finx,40000000h
jz no_neg_calc1
or finx,80000000h
shr finy,1
test finy,40000000h
jz no_neg_calc2
or finy,80000000h
shr finz,1
test finz,40000000h
jz no_neg_calc3
or finz,80000000h
jmp calc_testloop
mov eax,finx ; x^2
mov edi,eax ; objects
imul edi
mov edi,eax
mov eax,finy ; y^2
mov esi,eax
imul esi
mov esi,eax
mov eax,finz ; z^2
mov ebp,eax
imul ebp
add eax,esi
add eax,edi
call sqrt ; get square root of number
mov ecx,eax
cmp ecx,0
je lam_abort ; should never happen!
mov eax,finx
shl eax,nshl ; set unit vector to 2^nshl (256)
idiv ecx
mov finx,eax
mov eax,finy
shl eax,nshl
idiv ecx
mov finy,eax
mov eax,finz
shl eax,nshl
idiv ecx
mov finz,eax
mov ebx,finx
mov ecx,finy
mov ebp,finz
; Calc_D: Calculate D portion of equation of a plane
; In:
; EBX = x of surface normal of triangle
; ECX = y of surface normal of triangle
; EBP = z of surface normal of triangle
; LX1 - x of point on triangle (any point)
; LY1 - y of point on triangle
; LZ1 - z of point on triangle
; Out:
; EAX = D (Ax+By+Cz=D)
mov eax,lx1
imul ebx
mov esi,eax
mov eax,ly1
imul ecx
add esi,eax
mov eax,lz1
imul ebp
add eax,esi
; Set_up_all_lambert: set up all lambert normals from object si to object di
; In:
; ESI - object # to start at
; EDI - object # to end at
; objbase[esi*4 - edi*4] -> offsets to object data
; Out:
; null
movzx edi,di ; in case user is lazy
movzx esi,si
xchg edi,esi ; so user doesn't get confuzed
push esi edi
call pre_cal_lambert
pop edi esi
inc edi
cmp edi,esi
jna set_lop
; Lrotate: rotate surface normal through lambert matrix
; In:
; BX - x of surface normal
; CX - y of surface normal
; BP - z of surface normal
; lmatrix - 16 bit, 1x3 lambert shading matrix - set up by "lambert" routine
; Out:
; BX - x of surface normal (untouched)
; CX - y of surface normal (untouched)
; BP - z of surface normal (untouched)
; EDI - colour intensity for surface (-255 to +255)
; Notes:
; Your mother is a hamster.
mov eax,lmatrix+8 ; solve edi = bx(0)+cx(4)+bp(8)
imul bp
shrd ax,dx,14
mov edi,eax
mov eax,lmatrix+4
imul cx
shrd ax,dx,14
add edi,eax
mov eax,lmatrix+0
imul bx
shrd ax,dx,14
add edi,eax ; di = new colour -256 to 255 (not edi, di!)
movsx edi,di
add edi,256 ; make sure result is within range -256 to 256
and edi,511 ; sometimes is messes up...
sub edi,256
; Shading tables used for fake cosin colour intensity - 256 bytes
; Default is 16 colours per lambert calculation. But you could have 32, 48
; or whatever you want, even an odd number like 53. Use the SHADING.BAS
; program to make the table to your custom size.
; Shading_bits is the variable for use with the texture command "LAST". This
; variable tells the routine what bits to pluck off when determining the
; shading intensity. Obviosly this cant be used if your palette shading
; length is not a function of 2's complement.
if shading_colours eq 16
; 16 colour shading table
shading_bits equ 0fh
align 16
db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1
db 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2
db 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3
db 3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,4,4,4
db 4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,5
db 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,6,6,6,6
db 6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,7,7
db 7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7
db 8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8,8
db 8,8,8,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9
db 9,9,9,9,9,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10
db 10,10,10,10,10,10,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11
db 11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12
db 12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,12,13,13,13,13,13,13,13
db 13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,14,14,14,14,14,14,14
db 14,14,14,14,14,14,14,14,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15
elseif shading_colours eq 32
; 32 colour shading table
shading_bits equ 1fh
align 16
db 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2
db 2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,4,4,4
db 4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,6,6,6,6
db 6,6,6,6,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,7,8,8,8,8
db 8,8,8,8,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,9,10,10,10,10
db 10,10,10,10,10,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,11,12,12,12
db 12,12,12,12,12,12,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,13,14,14
db 14,14,14,14,14,14,14,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15
db 16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,17,17,17,17,17,17,17
db 17,18,18,18,18,18,18,18,18,18,19,19,19,19,19,19
db 19,19,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,20,21,21,21,21,21
db 21,21,21,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,22,23,23,23,23
db 23,23,23,23,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,24,25,25,25,25
db 25,25,25,25,26,26,26,26,26,26,26,26,27,27,27,27
db 27,27,27,28,28,28,28,28,28,28,29,29,29,29,29,29
db 29,29,30,30,30,30,30,30,30,31,31,31,31,31,31,31
; Sqrax2bx2: Fast pathagorean solve, sqr(ax^2+bx^2)
; In:
; EAX - a number
; EBX - another number
; Out:
; EAX - sqr(EAX^2+EBX^2)
; Notes:
; Works well for numbers eax<90, ebx<128. Uses huge table.
; Limit of solve is for 32 bit values. Only works for positive values of ax&bx
; Numbers outside the limit of the tabel could be shr'd and re-tested rather
; than using the mathematical solution. There should be a .BAS Qbasic file
; that generates the table provided with the 3Dvect source.
; include pathagor.inc ; dont include this routine if you don't need it
; 'cause it's a real big table.
cmp eax,ebx ; set eax = smallest
ja s pa_smal
xchg eax,ebx
cmp eax,90 ; check if parameters of triangle are within
jae s pa_imul ; table or are too big for fast load.
cmp ebx,128
jae s pa_imul
shl ebx,7 ; *128
mov al,b pathagorean[eax+ebx]
imul eax,eax ; variables too large, do mathematically
imul ebx,ebx
add eax,ebx
jmp sqrt